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Services Provided

Individual Therapy
These sessions are usually for one person; however, during the course of treatment, you may request to bring another person with you (family or friend). This is certainly acceptable if they are the subject of the situation or if they are supportive of your efforts. This type of setting is beneficial for issues such as family/friend relations, anger management, childhood or family of origin issues, grief and bereavement, trauma, addictive behaviors, time management skills, stress reduction, and many other concerns. Individual counseling may also be used for communication/assertiveness skills training, life coaching, as well as specific assessments such as career aptitude, testing for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Nutritional Counseling, Hypnosis/Self Imagery sessions, Spirituality/Bible exploration, or Academic Tutoring. In all aspects, a treatment plan will be designed for you. Sessions are typically 45 to 60 minutes, occasionally 90 minutes. You can have problem resolution in as little as one session or you may be an ongoing client, or you may use our services “as needed.”

Couple/Marital Counseling
Usually both parties in the relationship attend the initial session. Sometimes one member of the couple attends the session alone either to see if there is a “good fit” with the therapist, or he or she wishes to “tell their side” first. Which ever way you decide to set up the first meeting, the couple will have both a joint and an individual session. Assessment of the relationship will be evaluated based on observation, interviews and the results of several diagnostic tools. As part of the treatment plan, recommendations for specific treatment such as communication training, anger management, etc., might be set up for you. Goals (specific - according to your “wish list”) and options will be discussed after the third session. Other types of situations that may be conducive to this modality are: processing and/or mediating a divorce, resolving conflicts or other unfinished business with family and/or friends, dealing with in-laws, enhancing parenting skills, dealing with “care-giver,” and other stressful situations.

Family Therapy
This type of therapy may include biological/step parents, children, and/or other extended family members.
Presenting problems may include sibling rivalry issues, in-law problems, work-related issues and many similar situations that affect individuals, impact the entire family, and show up in different settings (the home, workplace, friendships). Including key persons in the therapeutic process can hasten problem-solving and conflict-resolution in a very effective and long-lasting way.

Divorce Coaching
Although divorce is not advocated and every effort is made to keep the marriage and family intact, the reality is – divorce happens. Whether the cause is adultery, abandonment, addiction, domestic violence, or other irreconcilable issues, you may need a compassionate guide to help you through the hurting and wounding process of divorce. When your dreams have been shattered and your heart is breaking, a gentle guide is a welcome presence to help you heal and rebuild your life. You will regain hope, realize the value of your life, learn to emotionally and relationally connect with others, and find a renewed sense of purpose in your life.

Grief and Bereavement, Crisis and Trauma
Loss of any kind, whether from the loss of our dreams, hopes and expectations to unrequited love, loss of a job, rejection of a family member or friend, to the loss of one’s health, loss of standing in the community, to the death of a loved one. It is a time of great sorrow, and unbelievable pain, and sometimes, even a relief with all different levels of intensity and duration. It is a journey that each of us goes on at one time or other in our lives. It is not something we have to “get over,” but rather a process that we go through, to the final “good bye” and acceptance of the situation. The main goal is to not get “stuck.”

Anger Management
Anger management counseling is available on a voluntary or involuntary basis. The material available is employed in either a 7-session or 11-session format depending on the gravity of the situation. Individual clients, couples, adolescents, and children can benefit from this treatment. Court or employer correspondence will be complied with as mandated by the municipality or requested by the client.

Stress and Anxiety Management
Learn how to deal with personality disordered people, how to responsibly avoid compassion-fatigue and work overload, and how to deal with complex emotions such as shame and guilt. You will learn about the mind-body connection, and how tension, toxic living, and addictive people-pleasing behavior steal your joy, and drains your energy. Move from stress to strength, from pressure to pleasure, and from care-giving/people-pleasing behavior to anxiety-free resilience.

Telephone Sessions
Telephone TherapyGet immediate results! Telephone sessions are a convenient and affordable way to speak to a psychotherapist and resolve problems. In the comfort of your own home, you can now speak to a therapist to discuss your issues, and in many instances get problems resolved quickly. Not only will you get a professional, unbiased 3rd-party opinion, but more importantly, you will be offered alternative solutions and options that you may then explore as possible answers to your situation. Situations that may make telephone therapy a better choice are that you are in a crisis and need counseling immediately, you cannot keep your appointment, you don’t feel well enough to come in, you are homebound, you cannot get a baby-sitter, you don't have transportation, the weather does not permit it, you are out of town, or you suffer from agoraphobia.

Legal Issues
Court cases that require Psychosocial Evaluations, Anger Management, Family Reunification, Supervised Visitation, or State Disability including court correspondence, are all available as needed. Domestic Violence awareness and coping strategies will be addressed. The municipality, your attorney, or medical correspondence will also be adhered to as requested by you, your attorney, or the state.

Hypnotherapy/Self Imagery
Certified Hypnotherapy/Self Imagery is available and is a viable treatment to deal with many different issues ranging from phobias and anxieties, to smoke cessation, weight loss, and relaxation techniques, NLP, and Past Life/Current Life Regression. This type of therapy is not trance-centered and you will be in control at all times. It is a self-directed, mood-enhancing therapy that combines cognitive behavioral influences with positive thought control.

Children are seen and evaluated for various problems ranging from ADHD to school-related issues, various behavioral disorders, as well as depressed and anxious children having difficulty coping with loss, stress, and/or trauma. The parent(s) are seen alone for the first session to get an accurate history of the child and the situation. Children will then be seen and recommendations will be given to the parent(s) following the assessment.

The onset of a behavioral problem very often begins when a child becomes stressed at school. School for a child is much like the workplace for an adult. It is where they spend most of their day, and their performance is constantly under scrutiny, by teachers, parents, and even their peers. Sometimes it’s hard to measure up. When they feel they are “not as good as…” they begin to look for sub groups that they can identify with and who will be more accepting of them. This sometimes leads to a downward spiral of lack of achievement, lack of self-confidence, and poor self-esteem which then can become an anxiety or depressive disorder if not attended to quickly. How successfully a child navigates through this period will have a lifelong affect. Tutoring in most cases alleviates these problems. A child is instructed in a non-judgmental, non-critical, safe one-on-one environment until he masters the subject material. Confidence is restored and a belief in one’s self-worth and ability is achieved.

Nutritional Counseling
Various eating disorders including bulimia, binge eating, and anorexia as well as other weight issues all have their root cause. Medical and chemical catalysts, emotional and internal struggles for control, a need for unconditional love and acceptance may all be underlying issues that may trigger the onset of an eating disorder. Learn to empower yourself in more constructive ways that leave you feeling healthy and confident.

Spiritual Counseling
Whatever belief system you have, faith is your key to all conflict resolution and genuine contentment. Sometimes we get disillusioned, disappointed, or discouraged and we get off-track. Sometimes it is hard to get through the difficulties of life’s journey and we get disheartened and we think about giving up. Some people turn to destructive ways of coping, some people turn to God. From a purpose driven life to fireproofing your relationships, Bible-based counseling can enhance and bring meaning to your life, help you make moral decisions, and have positive outcomes with your problems.

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